Clear Pathways Learning Services recently graduated my son from their program. The results are absolutely priceless to me and my son. My son started the school year unable to read anything besides his name. Half way through the school year he is reading better than most in his class. You provided a positively encouraging and caring environment, clearly with goals to fix my son’s reading issues in mind. From a father who has struggled with reading all my life, Clear Pathways was the best thing I have done for him and his future.
In school I don’t have to take as many notes. I can remember the information when the tests come and I usually do well, after the program with you. I have noticed that I can better understand what I read and what I hear. Thank you.
After working with you our son is more focused, and gets the grades we always hoped for. Before working with you he was easily distracted and had difficulty with homework – seeming to take all night and still not to completion. Homework was a struggle that involved the whole family – a terrible nightly event. Now we are grateful parents. Homework is not a problem anymore and our family is much better off.
As parents we have noticed better math and chemistry scores, better ability to follow directions, better organization, increased attention and focus, and he does his homework without being questioned. We keep telling people about you!!
After completing your program my daughter now understands information without a lot of questions, is calmer, doesn’t get as easily frustrated, is more confident, is less intense and soccer playing seems to come easier to her. Thank you so much!
I noticed drastic improvements in my daughter in a few months and so did her teachers. She in now reading at grade level, enjoys school and looks forward to her classes and homework. I am most impressed with how she caught on in several months.
My daughter has become a different person. Before your program her self-esteem was very low and she hated to read. She had a hard time sounding out words, read slowly and had trouble with spelling. Since completing the program she loves to read to herself and others, her self-esteem is very high and I believe school in general is easier for her. My advice to any parent who is considering this program for their child is “go for it” you could not give your child a better gift.
Barbara S.
We are so grateful for the services offered by you, but more importantly the results! As any parent, you want your child to succeed… and when they struggle and you see their grades fall, their self-esteem drop, their attitude toward school change, you want and need help! But, where do you go? Luckily, our school referred us to you. I liked that your program has a beginning and an end (as we all have limited resources). What you teach really works! My daughter’s grades, homework time, and self-esteem have all changed for the better! It’s like night and day! Another important note was her willingness to come to the sessions. I highly recommend your services as they have changed our whole family dynamic for the better!

It is so exciting to see that this approach succeeded in regaining our daughter’s self confidence and assisted her in accomplishing her desired level of education. Her grades in school showed a marked improvement this quarter because of the training she received over the past several months. You are an extremely caring, highly motivated practitioner that instills in your clients the desire to succeed and the tools to do it.
Ashley is doing much better in school and we are seeing a lot of A’s. More importantly her confidence in herself and her ability has improved tremendously. She’s very proud of herself which thrills me. Thank you again!
After working with you our son is more focused, and gets the grades we always hoped for. Before working with you he was easily distracted and had difficulty with homework – seeming to take all night and still not to completion. Homework was a struggle that involved the whole family – a terrible nightly event. Now we are grateful parents. Homework is not a problem anymore and our family is much better off.
As parents we have noticed better math and chemistry scores, better ability to follow directions, better organization, increased attention and focus, and he does his homework without being questioned. We keep telling people about you!!
After completing your program my daughter now understands information without a lot of questions, is calmer, doesn’t get as easily frustrated, is more confident, is less intense and soccer playing seems to come easier to her. Thank you so much!
I noticed drastic improvements in my daughter in a few months and so did her teachers. She in now reading at grade level, enjoys school and looks forward to her classes and homework. I am most impressed with how she caught on in several months.
My daughter has become a different person. Before your program her self-esteem was very low and she hated to read. She had a hard time sounding out words, read slowly and had trouble with spelling. Since completing the program she loves to read to herself and others, her self-esteem is very high and I believe school in general is easier for her. My advice to any parent who is considering this program for their child is “go for it” you could not give your child a better gift.
Barbara S.
Clear Pathways Learning Services recently graduated my son from their program. The results are absolutely priceless to me and my son. My son started the school year unable to read anything besides his name. Half way through the school year he is reading better than most in his class. You provided a positively encouraging and caring environment, clearly with goals to fix my son’s reading issues in mind. From a father who has struggled with reading all my life, Clear Pathways was the best thing I have done for him and his future.
In school I don’t have to take as many notes. I can remember the information when the tests come and I usually do well, after the program with you. I have noticed that I can better understand what I read and what I hear. Thank you.
Ashley is doing much better in school and we are seeing a lot of A’s. More importantly her confidence in herself and her ability has improved tremendously. She’s very proud of herself which thrills me. Thank you again!
It is so exciting to see that this approach succeeded in regaining our daughter’s self confidence and assisted her in accomplishing her desired level of education. Her grades in school showed a marked improvement this quarter because of the training she received over the past several months. You are an extremely caring, highly motivated practitioner that instills in your clients the desire to succeed and the tools to do it.
We are so grateful for the services offered by you, but more importantly the results! As any parent, you want your child to succeed… and when they struggle and you see their grades fall, their self-esteem drop, their attitude toward school change, you want and need help! But, where do you go? Luckily, our school referred us to you. I liked that your program has a beginning and an end (as we all have limited resources). What you teach really works! My daughter’s grades, homework time, and self-esteem have all changed for the better! It’s like night and day! Another important note was her willingness to come to the sessions. I highly recommend your services as they have changed our whole family dynamic for the better!
I just came from Rachel’s first parent teacher conference of the year and her teachers are blown away by her academic improvement. She is in the top of her class and really enjoys school now. Thanks to Clear Pathways Learning Services her school says that her test scores are so high now that she should be in the gifted and talented program. That is pretty amazing for a kid with a severe hearing impairment that has spent the last 4 years in special education classes. We can’t thank you enough for what you have done with Rachel. You have taught her to be a superstar!
After a few months of help from you my daughter Vanessa is a changed person. Not only have her grades improved, but she participates more in school and seems to attack new concepts with confidence and enthusiasm. She enjoys reading more and her athletic ability has also increased.
I’m writing to let you know how my son is doing since finishing with you. Before coming to you he could never remember even simple spelling words 20 minutes after learning them. Now he is retaining them and remembering his multiplication facts too! His reading was at 85 (at risk) words per minute before coming to you. His teacher recently tested him and he was at 137 and the goal was 118 by the end of the year!! I’m so impressed that he exceeded his goal and before the end of the year. He is a much more confident reader, speller and writer. I’m so thankful he enjoyed coming to see you and doing the work at home. Thank you for helping to build his self-esteem and teaching him to learn to use his brain properly.
A couple of months after completing treatment with you my son scored in the 90th percentile of students in the nation on state testing. For anyone looking for hard data proof of effectiveness, it does not get any better than this for me as a concerned and engaged father. Thank you for what you have done for my son’s future.
Matt K.
I can’t believe it has been a little over a year since our sessions ended with you. My son is doing extremely well. He is reading, reading, reading and doing well with spelling. Overall, he is doing so much better than when we brought him to see you. His academics have greatly improved and all the techniques you gave us are working. I am truly amazed. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your help with my children!! You have no idea how it used to be for my son – taking hours and hours to finish his homeschool work and our not being able to go anywhere in the afternoon. Now we have our afternoons free to do as we please! Both of the kids have made such strides. I hope many more children walk through your door so they can experience the wonderful gains my children have.
Thank you so much!! My son went from hitting himself for being stupid in the 6th grade two years ago after doing poorly on a spelling test, to becoming a straight A student who attends to his homework and responsibilities at home happily (most of the time) his fall term of 8th grade. My son’s future has never looked brighter!!
I have no idea how to begin to thank you for your commitment to this amazing work and for the gift you have given to my children. I believe in every cell of my body that you have transformed them into and onto extraordinary!!! This was a puzzle piece that has been missing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
It has been amazing how you and your expertise have changed my family’s lives. My 11 year old daughter started three months ago and in that time I have seen her blossoming and growing like a flower in springtime. She comes home from school now saying, “I get it” and “Things make sense to me now” and “Learning seems easy to me now.” Wow!! What could give a mother more joy? !!!
Woohoo!! I wanted to share our proud moment with you and thank you again for your wonderful program that has proved to be life changing for our child! Our daughter was awarded the President’s Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement at her 5th grade promotion ceremony. I wish you could have seen her expression as her name was called! It is a parenting moment I will remember always and would not have been possible without your program. Thank you again and again and again!
Words cannot adequately express our great joy over what you have accomplished with our daughter in 15 weeks time. The results are nothing short of miraculous. She was reading picture books at the second grade level and is now reading chapter books at the fourth grade level. She has made so many academic improvements and her countenance has completely changed. She is now socializing with everyone – adults, teens and small children. She has become outgoing and finally believes she is smart. And best of all ….she is smiling! Thank you for sharing your talents and your beautiful heart with my daughter and our family.
Clear Pathways is a powerhouse for children with learning issues. Patient feedback has been tremendous and that is how we found Janel – everyone kept telling us about her! We have experienced and observed her treatment and results, and they are stunning!! Janel is a provider that truly cares and offers a unique service that changes lives.