Does Your Child Have ADD or ADHD symptoms?
Attention disorders are prevalent in our society and may have several underlying causes, however, one cause is often overlooked. Strong visualization skills are imperative for a student to pay attention while learning and listening. In order to have solid attention skills, a student should convert what has been heard or read into pictures or movies in the brain. It has been stated that the average human brain can only retain seven non-meaningful units of information at a time – which is equivalent to seven words or numbers that have not been visualized. If one thinks about how much verbal information is spoken in the average classroom daily, then it is apparent that students who don’t visualize at all, or inconsistently, will exhibit attention disorders.
These students will quickly become bored with listening and their attention will wander. Those that tune out and daydream...
Why can’t my child follow even one direction?
“I ask my child to go upstairs and get his shoes and he can’t even do that without several reminders.” This is a common complaint stated by client after client when they walk through our clinic door. Today during a consultation one parent relayed that even asking his son to simply set the table would lead to a table being only partially set, because his child would not remember what needed to be done even for that simple task. The child is almost 11 years old.
Teachers and parents are often extremely frustrated when they take the time and energy to give specific directions and the child responds with “Huh?” Often these students are not visualizing enough or at all. Visualizing or picturing each direction in the mind’s eye or imagination is imperative for a student to correctly follow directions.
Many of my high...